Isi Klaim :
"Sekelompok perempuan Muslim memukuli seorang wanita Prancis, karena bikininya (pakaian renang) melanggar keyakinan agama mereka."
"Gang of Muslim Women Beat a Lady for Wearing Bikini in French Park, Here’s How She’s Fighting Back."
Hoax atau Fakta :
Mix antara Fakta dan Hoax, penjelasan tidak akurat.
Analisis :
Pada bulan Juli 2015, aktivis media sosial mulai memposting foto-foto bikini di Twitter mereka menggunakan slogan "I wear my bikini in the park," (Saya memakai bikini saya di taman) sebagai tanda solidaritas untuk 'Angelique Sloss', seorang wanita yang diduga dipukuli oleh sekelompok Muslim untuk menunjukkan terlalu banyak kulit (aurat) di taman umum di Reims, Prancis, seperti yang dilansir oleh media online Star Daily berikut :
Ini merupakan awal protes di media sosial, namun, sebelumnya polisi telah mengidentifikasi (baik para penyerang atau motif) di balik insiden di Reims. The Independent, salah satu media pertama yang melaporkan cerita ini, menuliskan pada 26 Juli 2015 bahwa sementara "kebanyakan komentator telah mengasumsikan bahwa (para penyerang) adalah seorang Muslim," sedangkan menurut korban bahwa 'dia tidak tahu apakah serangan itu dimotivasi oleh 'opini agama' :
"French social networks exploded with anger after a young woman was reportedly beaten up by a gang of girls and young women for wearing a bikini in a park.
Authorities have not identified the attackers but most commentators have assumed that they were Muslims.
The five attackers, aged 16 to 24, were quickly arrested and the three oldest have been remanded to appear in court in September, while two girls aged 16 and 17 face further questioning. The authorities have not named them but said that they all came from housing estates with large Muslim populations.
Police told L'Union newspaper that the victim was not able to say whether or not her assailants were motivated by 'religious opinions'.
Arnaud Robinet, the mayor of Reims, said: 'We have to be very careful not to jump to conclusions. All the same, I can understand why people have assumed that this attack had religious motives. If that turns out to be the case, it is a very serious incident.'"
Meskipun kurangnya bukti, beberapa blogger sayap kanan memanfaatkan insiden itu sebagai 'bukti' bahwa Islam radikal sedang berusaha untuk memaksa non-Muslim untuk 'tunduk' dengan hukum Syariah :
"Is it just me or does it seem like when Muslims aren’t able to force a person to bow to their will and religious beliefs they immediately resort to violence?
I mean, I thought Islam was the religion of peace?
Loony lefties should probably pass the memo on to this gang of Muslim women in France who decided to beat the snot out of a woman for wearing a bikini in a park, because I don’t think they understand the false narrative progressives are trying to establish.
Nothing screams peace and tolerance like a good old fashioned beat down."
Tapi pada 28 Juli 2015, kepolisian setempat menegaskan bahwa 'mereka yang terlibat dengan serangan itu tidak ada hubungannya dengan keyakinan agama apapun' :
"Angelique Sloss was sunbathing in a Leo-Lagrange park in Reims, northern France when she was attacked by the group of five young women.
She was reportedly told she was dressing “immorally” and that she should get dressed before being attacked and beaten.
It was initially presumed that the incident was religiously motivated as the young women, aged 16 to 24, who perpetrated the attack were from a largely Muslim housing estate.
However, police have since called the incident a fight between two rival girl gangs and said it had “nothing to do with Islam”.
Superintendent Julie Galisson said in a statement: 'It was a fight between young girls which degenerated after one of the authors of the aggression said 'Get dressed, it’s not summer'.'
Nesrine Mook, one of those accused in the beating, said that she sunbathed in the same park in a swimming costume, and that the fight broke out after the victim retorted to the girl who told her to get dressed, 'Looking at your body, I see why you can’t wear [a bikini]!'
Police have said it is clear from all statements given that the attack had nothing to do with religion."
Jadi, insiden tersebut tidak ada hubungannya dengan Agama apapun, ini murni kriminal tindak kekerasan. Semua (lima gadis) yang terlibat dalam serangan itu (dua di antaranya di bawah umur) telah diamankan.
CMIIW and Typo.
Sikapi dengan bijak, semoga bermanfaat.
Salam Internet Sehat!
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