Isi Klaim :
"Looking for a gap between an object and its reflection is a way to distinguish two-way mirrors from ordinary mirrors."
When we visit toilets, bathrooms, hotel rooms, changing rooms, etc. How many of you know for sure that the seemingly ordinary mirror hanging on the wall is a real mirror, or actually a 2-way mirror (i.e. they can see you, but you can't see them)? There have been many cases of people installing 2-way mirrors in female changing rooms. It is very difficult to positively identify the surface by just looking at it. It's time to get paranoid. So, how do we determine with any amount of certainty? Well, once again, I am here to enlighten you. Just conduct this simple test:
Place the tip of your fingernail against the reflective surface and if there is a GAP between your fingernail and the image of the nail, then it is a GENUINE mirror. However, if your fingernail DIRECTLY TOUCHES the image of your nail, then BEWARE, for it is a 2-way mirror! You can further ascertain the nature of the suspect surface by hurling an object (e.g. a chair!!!) at it. The chair will go through.
So remember, every time you see a mirror, do the "fingernail test". It doesn't cost you anything. It is simple to do, and it might save you from getting "visually raped"!
Share this with your girlfriends."
"Cara Ngetes Cermin 2 Arah Ketika kita masuk ke toilet, kamar mandi, kamar hotel, ruang ganti pakaian, dll. sebagian besar Anda yakin bahwa cermin yg menggantung di dinding & kelihatannya seperti cermin biasa itu mmg benar2 cermin biasa, atau sebenarnya itu adalah cermin 2 arah (orang di belakang cermin bisa melihat Anda, sementara Anda tidak dapat melihat mereka).
Banyak kasus di mana orang memasang cermin 2 arah di dalam ruang ganti pakaian wanita, namun tidak menutup kemungkinan juga di ruang ganti pria. adalah sangat sulit untuk secara jelas mengidentifikasi permukaannya hanya dengan melihatnya saja. Lalu bagaimana kita dapat menentukan dengan pasti apakah cermin tersebut adalah cermin biasa atau cermin 2 arah? Kalau di kantor polisi, apalagi di ruang interogasi, sudah bisa dipastikan cerminnya 2 arah.
Tapi untuk di public area, caranya : LAKUKAN TES SEDERHANA (TES KUKU JARI). Letakkan ujung kuku Anda diatas permukaan cermin. Jika ada jarak (gap) antara kuku dan bayangan kuku Anda di cermin, bisa dikatakan bahwa cermin itu adalah cermin biasa (aman). Tapi jika kuku Anda langsung menyentuh bayangan kuku Anda dicermin…. Hati2! Karena itu adalah cermin 2 arah. Ingatlah selalu, setiap kali Anda melihat cermin di tempat2 umum spt disebutkan di atas, lakukan tes kuku jari. Mudah dilakukan & ini mungkin bisa menyelamatkan Anda dari 'perkosaan visual'.
Wanita: Beritahu teman2 Anda yg lain. Pria : Beritahu istri, anak perempuan atau teman wanita Anda."
Hoax atau Fakta :
Mix antara Hoax dan Fakta.
Analisis :
Banyak rumor (biasanya disertai video) yang beredar dan mengklaim bahwa cara tersebut adalah metode yang benar untuk mendeteksi Cermin Dua Arah :
With the recent advancements in miniaturized electronics, it's hard for any of us to know we're not being spied upon these days; cameras and transmitters can now be made so small and unobtrusive that most of us wouldn't be able to find them even if we knew where to look for them. Many would-be peeping toms still resort to less technologically-advanced methods such as peepholes and two-way mirrors, though, hence this warning which began circulating on the Internet in April 1999.
First off, we should clear up some confusing terminology. The subject this message addresses are panels which look like mirrors on one side but work like tinted windows from the other side — that is, if you're on one side of such a panel, it appears to be mirror in which you can see your reflection; if you're on the other side, it serves as a window through which you can see everything (and everyone) on the other side. These panels are confusingly referred to as both "one-way mirrors" and "two-ways mirrors," so to avoid additional confusion we will henceforth call them "transparent mirrors."
The fingernail test described above is a method for determining the difference between first-surface mirrors and second-surface mirrors, both of which are ordinary mirrors glazed in a different fashion. With a first-surface mirror, any object you put up against it will touch its reflection because the reflective part of mirror is laid in right at the surface. With a second-surface mirror, a gap between the object and its reflection will be visible because a layer of clear glass has been incorporated over the reflective part of the mirror to better protect it. First-surface looking glasses are quite expensive and are generally used only for specialized applications such as fine optical instruments or lasers, in which a protective layer of glass would interfere with the path of light or diminish precision. As such, you're unlikely to ever encounter one being used as an ordinary mirror in a home or a dressing room; for those applications much cheaper second-surface mirrors are nearly always used.
Therefore, if you discover what appears to be a first-surface mirror (i.e., an object you place up against its touches its reflection) in a dressing room, the chances are good it's a transparent mirror. However, the fingernail test isn't necessarily a very good one, as judging whether an object placed up against such a mirror is touching its reflection can be affected by factors such as the size of the mirror, the angle of the mirror, the amount of lighting present, and the type of object used to conduct the test, and an unpracticed observer might easily mistake an ordinary mirror for a transparent one this way. (Ascertaining "the nature of the suspect surface by hurling an object at it" could also be quite embarrassing and costly should it prove to be an ordinary mirror.) There are better tests based on some of the more obvious physical features of transparent mirrors.
What we call transparent mirrors are laminated coated glass products which have been treated with Mirropane on the first surface of the glass. They're also known as "observation mirrors" and are commonly used in settings (such as police stations, schools, and businesses) where there is a need to conduct unobtrusive monitoring for safety and security purposes. (Think of the interrogation room as shown in the police station of the television drama Law & Order: suspects inside the room see a panel which looks like a mirror, but from the hallway outside the panel functions as a window through which detectives can monitor the proceedings unobserved.)
Transparent mirrors are most obviously distinguishable from ordinary mirrors in that they're not hung on walls as ordinary mirrors are, but they're set into walls (or doors) as windows are. In other words, if there's a wall behind a mirror, the mirror is almost certainly an ordinary one; a transparent mirror would be part of the wall itself. Also, the lighting in front of a transparent mirror must be much brighter than the lighting on the other side (where the hidden observers are) for it to work effectively, and some light leaks through from the brighter side to the dimmer side.
According to the folks in Mirropane's technical support group, you can use these factors to your advantage by pressing your eyes up against the mirror and cupping your hands around them (to block out the light from the room you're in): if you're truly dealing with a transparent mirror, you should be able to see at least a little something of the open area behind it. Also, rapping on the mirror should provide an aural clue: ordinary mirrors have backings and are usually placed against walls, so rapping on them will generally produce dull thuds; transparent mirrors are set into walls with open areas behind them, so rapping on them should produce much more open, hollow sounds. These methods of detection are more reliable than the fingernail test and should be preferred to taking a chance on getting arrested for property damage after tossing a chair through a perfectly normal mirror misjudged via less accurate means.
Barbara Mikkelson, 'threw the looking glass'.
A two-way mirror is glass that functions as a mirror on one side and a window on the other. They are also known as transparent, observation and one-way mirrors. All of these names refer to a product called Mirropane, which uses a chemical covering on the first surface of the glass so that one side is transparent. Two-way mirrors are commonly found in police stations, prisons and psychiatric facilities, and less frequently in school classrooms (such as in special education programs). These locations often have an observation room on the other side of the glass. However, two-way mirrors are sometimes found in the dressing rooms of clothing stores, public restrooms, and other inappropriate places where the persons being observed are unaware of the mirror's use. These mirrors usually have a hidden camera behind them, which is much more difficult to detect than a two-way mirror with an observation room. There is no foolproof method that will determine with certainty whether a mirror is a two-way, but the best way to tell is by carefully examine the glass using the steps below.
Bagaimana Metode 'Mendeteksi Cermin Dua Arah' yang benar?
Berikut adalah saran dari Angela Powell Watson, seorang penulis di EHOW :
1. Pay close attention to how the mirror is installed. Normal mirrors are hung in front of the wall, but a two-way mirror with an observation room must be set inside the wall. If the wall is clearly behind the mirror, it is probably not a two-way mirror. The exception is when there is a two-way mirror with a camera behind it.
2. Cup your hands against the mirror and peer through them. This will block out the light in your own room and make the light more obvious in the observation room behind the mirror (if there is one).
3. Turn off the lights in the room you're in and shine a flashlight on the mirror. If there is an observation room behind the mirror, it will be illuminated. If you do not see an observation room, you may want to shine the flashlight in various places on the mirror to look for any small hidden cameras.
4. If you do not have a flashlight and are finding it difficult to see into the mirror, you can try rapping your knuckles against the glass and observing the sound you hear. A normal mirror will make a dull sound because it is hung up against the wall, but a two-way mirror will produce a hollow sound due to the opening on the other side. Keep in mind that hidden cameras only need a small amount of space cut away from the wall, so a two-way mirror with a camera and not an observation room behind it may not make a reverberating sound.
5. A less reliable way to spot a two-way mirror is with the "fingernail test." Place your index finger against the mirror so that your nail touches the glass. If it is a normal mirror, you should see a gap or space between your fingernail and its reflection. A two-way mirror would not leave this space.
Tips dan Peringatan :
While it can sometimes be relatively simple to determine if there is an observation room behind a two-way mirror, it is extremely difficult to detect a hidden camera behind a two-way mirror. Small cameras need only a very tiny wall opening, so there will not be a hollow sound when you knock on the mirror, and when you attempt to peer through it, you will probably see only the wall.
CMIW and Typo.
Sikapi dengan bijak, semoga bermanfaat.
Salam Internet Sehat!
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